- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Taylor & Francis
- Computational Linguistics (MIT)26 (2000) TO Current
- Sankhya(Indian Statistical Institute)1993 to Current full Text & special Issues 2005 onwards
- Articles by Nobel Prize Laureates -2012
- Public Library of Science:
- Medknow Publications publishing on behalf of learned societies and associations.
- Indian Council of Medical Research
- ADB Review 31 (1997) Onwards
- Andhra Pradesh Monthly
- International Journal of Educational Sciences
- International Journal of Human Genetics
- Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Journal of Biodiversity
- Journal of Communication
- Journal of Economics
- Journal of History and Archaeology
- Journal of Human Biology
- Journal of Human Ecology
- Journal of Intelligence and Security Issues
- Journal of Life Sciences
- Journal of Psychology
- Journal of Social Sciences
- Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology
- Mathematics Seminar
- Studies on Ethno-Medicine
- Studies on Home and Community Science
- Studies of Tribes and Tribals
- The Anthropologist
- The Journal of Biology
- The Journal of Genetics
- Academic Journals (Science, Art, Education, Legal)
- Advances in production Engineering and Management
- AERA (Education)
- AgEcon (Agriculture and Applied Economics)
- AGRICOLA (Agriculture)
- Arnetminer
- arXiv (Physics, Math, Computer Science, Biology)
- ASCE (Civil Engineering)
- Bioline International (Health and Medicine)
- BioMedCentral (Biomedical, Medicine,Biology &Biotechnology)
- Chemistry Central (Chemistry)
- CogPrints
- DBLP (Comp.Sc. Bibliography)
- DIRLINE (Health Information)
- DOAJ (Dirctory of Open access Journal) Multi-disciplinary
- Educational Technology & Society
- Electronic Journal Library
- ERIC (Education Resources Information Centre)
- Free Medical Journals
- HighWire (Life sciences, medicine, physical and social sciences.)
- Index Translation (Literature in translation)
- Ingentaconnect (Multi-disciplinary)
- Journal of Digital Information
- MedlinePlus (Medical science)
- (Multi-disciplinary)
- Open J-Gate
- PubMed (Medical Science)
- SPIE (Optics and Photonics)
- Strategian (Multi disciplinary)
- The Collection of Computer science Bibliography